DBfH started off its third annual fund raiser with 88 hours of driving booked by pre-event donations Subsequent donations added another two full days, no small feat considering each successive hour had to be "bought" by donors committing 6 percent more than was raised in the previous hour. The team collected more than 10 "points" replica Omega 4677.60.37 watch although the actual final score wasn't reported One hundred thirty-six hours computes to 17 points overall but the bus crashed at least once
The game tows a crashed bus back to its point of origin in real-time, but the DBfH guys just restart the game rather than wait it out, because the point is for them to actually be driving all of that time. Last year's drive netted about eight points, I think Remember, the replica Omega 1395.79 watch big joke of Desert Bus was that one completed eight-hour trip ticked up your score counter (a five-digit odometer) by just one. Congratulations to LoadingReadyRun, its many sponsors, and all who gave to the cause. Confused about commenting on Kotaku? Read our FAQ.
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